Luke WordPress theme

Multipurpose agency, IT business, SEO, Digital Marketing, startup WordPress theme

WordPress Information

To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. If you need help installing WordPress, follow the instructions in WordPress Codex or you can watch the Instructional Video. Below are all the useful links for WordPress information.

- To use theme, you must be running WordPress 5.x, PHP 7.x or higher, and mysql 5 or higher. Follow below checklist to ensure your host can work well with theme: 

+ Your web host has the minimum requirements to run WordPress.

+ They are running the latest version of WordPress.

+ You can download the latest release of WordPress from official WordPress website.

+ You did create best secure passwords FTP and Database.

Contact us from our themeforest profile

Step 1: Download Theme Package From themeforest

Step 2: Install Theme / Plugins

Step 3: Import Demo Data

When you purchased this theme, you can download the theme from your Downloads panel. 

Have a look 


After UNZIP PACKAGE, you will see all folders, files in package:


Theme Main File: Includes file that consists of everything you need to install the theme.

Child Theme File: Includes file 

Demo Import Folder: Includes .xml, .wie, .dat file for import content, widget

Plugins Folder: Include all local plugins use in theme

Changelog file: Include readme.txt. Read to know changes in all version.

Documentation Folder: Includes Documentation file that helps you get to know about theme and guides you to build your site with our theme.

Licensing Folder: Includes the licensing files of purchase.

You have to follow these steps for uploading any theme / plugin. It's WordPress general theme uploading process.


Step 1 From WordPress Admin Menu click Appearence >> Themes >> Add New

Step 2: Install Parent Theme (Your theme main file)

Step 3: Now click active.

Step 4: Install and Active Plugins


That's all. Your theme and required plugins setup done!


You have to setup seme settings.

1. Configure Elementor plugin-

- Go to Appearance >> Import Demo Data >> and click "Import demo data"

It will take a moment to complete importing all demo data.

Step 1: From Admin Menu click Tool >> Import >> Install Now

Step 2: Now import from demo folder "content-demo.xml"


1. Go to Appearence > Customize

2. Now click on "Site identity"

3. from this panel, change logo, fevicon

General settings

Enable or disable RTL

Header settings

Choose header styles

Header top

Add phone, email

Woocommerce settings

Change products showing limit, number of colums for products

Footer settings

Change footer copyright text

Social media

Add social media icons and urls on the site header

*** Remember, social icons will work only header style 2 and 3.

Go to "Contact" menu from wordpres dashboard. Now, you can customize forms

For adding a new contact form, follow:

How to add new page

Use WPML / Loco translate for translating theme / plugins texts


It was a pleasure moment for us, you are using our item. Thanks again